Towards Eco-Cultural Restoration. "Red Alert: Saving the Planet with Indigenous Knowledge", by Dr. Daniel Wildcat

A prescient and refreshing book about climate change and the human-nature relationship embodied in Indigenous lifeways. An entire shift in perspective about how to approach the Earth as we grapple with the consequences of our own choices, climate instability. A highly-recommended read.

“The environmental crises we now face were shaped to a large extent by some of humankind not knowing what they were doing. These crises and the looming global climate catastrophe can be addressed by knowing contained in doing. The examination of knowledges embodied in the lifeways of indigenous peoples offers hope. The separation of knowing and doing so widely accepted today can be addressed if we recognize that knowledge resides in our living in this world, not in controlling it. By paying attention to our human conduct and the life beyond our own in the world surrounding us—a complex dynamic system where we, humankind, are not in control—we will find humility and wisdom. For those paying attention, knowledge resides in life.”

Wildcat, Daniel R.. Red Alert!: Saving the Planet with Indigenous Knowledge (Speaker's Corner) (pp. 16-17). Fulcrum Publishing. Kindle Edition.

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