In July of 2024, areas of Vermont experienced a “100-year flood” for the second time in two years. Large volumes of water flowed from the mountain slopes into streams, into brooks, and into rivers, impacting human infrastructure widely. Having avoided any significant flood impacts in the past, this year our farm, wildlife refuge, and sanctuary roads were severely damaged. We’ve applied for FEMA assistance, but need to complete some repairs now, before winter arrives.
We lost part of our main driveway access (we’re using a seaonal road currently, which is too steep for winter use—we rely on propane and heating oil for several farm buildings and loads of sawdust for our duck sanctary). We also access to our firewood area (we also heat with 10 cords of wood).
A retaining wall that supports an access driveway between two buildings is likely to give way soon (see the photo with the waterfalls coming through the stone wall!), so we’re carefully planning for the future—as many are here in Vermont.
We offer these items for sale as a tool for us to make necessary repairs!
Flood Photos SHO Farm, VT. July, 2024
The infrastructure repairs needed on our farm, sanctuary, and wildlife refuge are multi-year and substantial, so we’re letting go of some beloved personal items that we no longer need, in hopes someone will enjoy them, and that they will grace the lives and creativity of others for years to come. .
Click images for full description, pricing, and additional photos
SOLD! Supratek Cortese Tube Pre-Amplifier. An audiophile’s dream!