www.shofarm.com and WWW.CBDUCKVT.com
LivingFuture acts as an incubator for life-sustaining enterprises that go on to become independent entities.
With its permaculture, mixed perennial orchard and farm conceived as a central component of an enduring human settlement, SHO Farm now offers medicinal and culinary products from its agroforestry system on its website as well as directly to visitors to the farm. The SHO platform serves as a marketing channel for other on-site entrepreneurs to make use of.
CBDuck, our line of full-spectrum CBD hemp named in honor of LivingFuture’s duck sanctuary flock—is grown regeneratively, with proceeds going to conserve wildlife habitat and support our duck sanctuary
All sale proceeds from SHO’s product line facilitate stewardship of our 1300 acres in perpetuity for the benefit of animals and the future of Indigenous plant-centered regenerative food-and-medicine systems.