Rewilding Food, Rewilding Farming Dr. Vinanda Shiva

Dr Vandana Shiva argues that agroecology holds the key to solving the climate and ecological crisis in a just and equitable way.

George Monbiot’s recent column, “Lab-grown food will soon destroy farming – and save the planet”, strikes me as a dystopian vision of the future, with no people working the land and humans eating 'fake' food produced in giant industrial  factories from microbes.

Monbiot concludes in his article: "Farmfree food will allow us to hand back vast areas of land and sea to nature, permitting rewilding and carbon drawdown on a massive scale. Farmfree food offers hope where hope was missing. We will soon be able to feed the world without devouring it.”

Einstein’s famous quote immediately comes to mind - he warned: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”.

Read the rest of the article here

Melissa Hoffman